For more up-to-date information, please refer to the TAC SDK GitHub repository.

After sending a cross-chain transaction, you can track its status using the OperationTracker class. This guide explains how to monitor your transaction through its lifecycle.

Basic Status Tracking

Initialize Tracker

import { OperationTracker } from "tac-sdk";

const tracker = new OperationTracker();

Detailed Status Tracking

  1. Get Operation ID
const operationId = await tracker.getOperationId(transactionLinker);

if (!operationId) {
  console.log("Waiting for validators to receive messages...");
  // Implement retry logic
  1. Check Transaction Status
const status = await tracker.getOperationStatus(operationId);
console.log("Current status:", status);

Status Types

Your transaction will progress through these states:

  • EVMMerkleMessageCollected: All events collected for sharded message
  • EVMMerkleRootSet: Message added to Merkle tree
  • EVMMerkleMessageExecuted: Executed on EVM side
  • TVMMerkleMessageCollected: Return message generated
  • TVMMerkleRootSet: TVM message added to tree
  • TVMMerkleMessageExecuted: Executed on TVM side
  • FinalSuccessfulState: Final successful state

Simplified Status Tracking

Use the simplified method for easier status monitoring:

const simplifiedStatus = await tracker.getSimplifiedOperationStatus(

switch (simplifiedStatus) {
  case SimplifiedStatuses.Pending:
    console.log("Transaction is in progress");
  case SimplifiedStatuses.Successful:
    console.log("Transaction completed successfully");
  case SimplifiedStatuses.Failed:
    console.log("Transaction failed");
  case SimplifiedStatuses.OperationIdNotFound:
    console.log("Operation ID not found");

Complete Tracking Example

import { OperationTracker, SimplifiedStatuses } from "tac-sdk";

async function trackTransaction(transactionLinker) {
  const tracker = new OperationTracker();

  // Method 1: Detailed tracking
  const operationId = await tracker.getOperationId(transactionLinker);
  if (operationId) {
    const status = await tracker.getOperationStatus(operationId);
    console.log("Detailed status:", status);

  // Method 2: Simplified tracking
  const simplifiedStatus = await tracker.getSimplifiedOperationStatus(
  console.log("Simplified status:", SimplifiedStatuses[simplifiedStatus]);

Polling Implementation

async function pollStatus(transactionLinker, maxAttempts = 20) {
  const tracker = new OperationTracker();
  let attempts = 0;

  const poll = async () => {
    if (attempts >= maxAttempts) {
      throw new Error("Max polling attempts reached");

    const status = await tracker.getSimplifiedOperationStatus(
    if (status === SimplifiedStatuses.Successful) {
      return "Success";
    if (status === SimplifiedStatuses.Failed) {
      throw new Error("Transaction failed");

    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); // 5 second delay
    return poll();

  return poll();

Error Handling

try {
  await pollStatus(transactionLinker);
  console.log("Transaction completed successfully");
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Transaction monitoring failed:", error.message);
  // Implement recovery logic