In this guide, we will build an Uniswap V2 clone on TAC. We will be using the TAC EVM and the TAC SDK.

You can find the full code for this guide on GitHub.


  • Node.js
  • NPM / Yarn
  • Medium familiarity with Solidity
  • An Ethereum wallet

Set up your environment

The first thing we need to do is set up our environment. In this guide, we will use Next.js to build our frontend.

Create a new Next.js project

To create a new Next.js project, run the following command:

npx create-next-app@latest uniswap-v2

We will also be using shadcn/ui and tailwindcss for styling. If you don’t have them installed, you can add them by running npm install shadcn-ui@latest and follow the instructions on the shadcn/ui website.

Install the dependencies

For this app, we will need many other dependencies like TAC SDK, TON connect, so go ahead and install them:

npm install @ton/ton @tonconnect/ui @tonconnect/ui-react tac-sdk

Start the development server

Next, start the development server:

npm run dev

You should see the next.js app running on http://localhost:3000.

Build the frontend

For the Uniswap V2, we have already deployed its smart contracts on TAC EVM. So, we will use the deployed contracts to build the frontend. But you can also deploy your own smart contracts and use them instead.

UNISWAPV2_PROXY_ADDRESS: "0x2D478BffCEbF652e1Cb7e32Db9C674E10e873e57";
EVM_TKA_ADDRESS: "0x7346896431955ad3bD9Fc23C8E3f0447eE1a52Cf";
EVM_TKB_ADDRESS: "0x392D1cCB04d25fCBcA7D4fc0E429Dbc1F9fEe73F";

Set up the TON Connect

The TON Connect is a library that allows us to connect to the TON network using a wallet. We will use it to connect to the TAC EVM.

Inside the lib folder, which will be automatically generated by shadcn/ui, create a new file called ton.ts and add the following code to it:

"use client";

import { TonConnectUIProvider } from "@tonconnect/ui-react";

export function TonProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  return (
    <TonConnectUIProvider manifestUrl="<manifestUrl>">

Replace <manifestUrl> with the manifest URL of your app. You can learn more about manifest URL here.

And then wrap your App component with the TonProvider component:

import React from "react";
import { TonProvider } from "@/lib/ton";
import Home from "@/components/layout/home";

export default function Page() {
  return (
      <Home />

Add a connect button

Once you have set up the TON Connect, you can add a connect button to your app. Inside components folder, create a new file called connect-button.tsx and add the following code to it:

"use client";
import React from "react";
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { useTonConnectModal, useTonWallet } from "@tonconnect/ui-react";

export default function ConnectWallet({
  disabled = false,
}: {
  text: string;
  onClick: () => void;
  className: string;
  disabled: boolean;
}) {
  const { open } = useTonConnectModal();
  const wallet = useTonWallet();

  const shortAddress = wallet?.account.address.slice(0, 6) + "...";

  return (
      onClick={wallet ? onClick : open}
      {text ? text : wallet ? `Connected (${shortAddress})` : "Connect Wallet"}

In the above code, we have a ConnectWallet component that renders a button to connect to the wallet. It will show the connected wallet address and a button to disconnect.

Add a navigation bar

Next, create a new folder inside components called layout and add a new file called header.tsx to it. This will be our navigation bar.

import React from "react";
import ConnectWallet from "../connect-button";

export default function Header() {
  const navItems = ["Trade", "Explore", "Pool"];

  return (
    <div className="flex justify-between items-center px-10 py-5 z-[100px] overflow-hidden">
      <div className="flex flex-row items-center gap-10">
        <div className="flex flex-row items-center gap-2">
          <UniswapLogo />
          <span className="text-primary font-medium text-lg">
            Uniswap x TAC
        <div className="flex flex-row items-center gap-6">
          { => (
            <p key={item} className="text-stone-400 font-medium">
      <ConnectWallet />

const UniswapLogo = () => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 20 22"
        d="M6.04898 1.5328C5.77502 1.49053 5.76347 1.48557 5.89239 1.46587C6.13945 1.42808 6.72283 1.47958 7.12484 1.57466C8.06336 1.79654 8.91735 2.36494 9.82894 3.37442L10.0711 3.64261L10.4176 3.58721C11.8771 3.35393 13.3619 3.53933 14.6038 4.10994C14.9454 4.26692 15.4841 4.5794 15.5514 4.6597C15.5728 4.6853 15.6122 4.85003 15.6389 5.02582C15.7311 5.63398 15.6849 6.10014 15.4979 6.44831C15.3962 6.63778 15.3905 6.69782 15.4589 6.85997C15.5135 6.98936 15.6658 7.08513 15.8166 7.08492C16.1252 7.08451 16.4574 6.58831 16.6113 5.89789L16.6724 5.62364L16.7935 5.76009C17.4579 6.5087 17.9796 7.52962 18.0693 8.25631L18.0926 8.44578L17.981 8.27353C17.7888 7.97714 17.5957 7.77537 17.3484 7.61264C16.9027 7.31931 16.4314 7.21948 15.1833 7.15406C14.056 7.09498 13.418 6.99921 12.7854 6.79404C11.709 6.445 11.1664 5.98015 9.88789 4.31174C9.31999 3.57068 8.96899 3.16067 8.61984 2.83048C7.82646 2.08022 7.04689 1.68675 6.04898 1.5328Z"
        d="M15.8056 3.1874C15.834 2.69082 15.9017 2.36329 16.0379 2.06417C16.0917 1.94577 16.1422 1.84887 16.15 1.84887C16.1578 1.84887 16.1344 1.93626 16.0979 2.04305C15.999 2.33335 15.9827 2.73041 16.0509 3.19236C16.1374 3.77851 16.1866 3.86308 16.8095 4.49624C17.1017 4.79322 17.4415 5.16778 17.5647 5.32859L17.7887 5.62099L17.5647 5.41202C17.2908 5.15648 16.6608 4.65812 16.5216 4.58688C16.4283 4.5391 16.4145 4.53992 16.3569 4.5969C16.3039 4.6494 16.2927 4.72829 16.2853 5.10123C16.2739 5.68248 16.1942 6.05556 16.002 6.4286C15.898 6.63037 15.8816 6.58731 15.9757 6.35957C16.046 6.18953 16.0531 6.11478 16.0526 5.55209C16.0515 4.42152 15.9165 4.14972 15.1251 3.68412C14.9247 3.56616 14.5943 3.39606 14.3911 3.30608C14.1878 3.2161 14.0264 3.13773 14.0322 3.13187C14.0547 3.10969 14.8265 3.33374 15.1371 3.45259C15.5992 3.62938 15.6754 3.65229 15.7316 3.63096C15.7692 3.61667 15.7874 3.5077 15.8056 3.1874Z"
        d="M6.58113 5.12149C6.02497 4.35993 5.68086 3.19229 5.75536 2.31943L5.77839 2.04932L5.90499 2.0723C6.14272 2.11543 6.55263 2.26718 6.74457 2.38313C7.2713 2.7013 7.49933 3.12019 7.73132 4.19585C7.79928 4.51092 7.88843 4.86746 7.92946 4.98817C7.9955 5.18246 8.24507 5.63629 8.44797 5.93103C8.59412 6.1433 8.49704 6.24389 8.17398 6.21488C7.68059 6.17058 7.01227 5.71183 6.58113 5.12149Z"
        d="M15.1311 10.7894C12.532 9.74852 11.6165 8.84507 11.6165 7.32069C11.6165 7.09636 11.6243 6.91281 11.6338 6.91281C11.6432 6.91281 11.7438 6.98684 11.8572 7.07734C12.3843 7.49779 12.9745 7.67736 14.6083 7.91444C15.5698 8.05396 16.1109 8.16664 16.61 8.33127C18.1963 8.85454 19.1778 9.91646 19.4119 11.3629C19.4799 11.7831 19.44 12.5713 19.3297 12.9867C19.2427 13.3147 18.977 13.9061 18.9066 13.9288C18.8871 13.9351 18.8679 13.8606 18.8629 13.7593C18.8361 13.2162 18.5602 12.6874 18.0968 12.2913C17.5699 11.841 16.862 11.4825 15.1311 10.7894Z"
        d="M13.3064 11.2218C13.2738 11.029 13.2174 10.7829 13.1809 10.6748L13.1146 10.4782L13.2377 10.6158C13.4082 10.8061 13.5429 11.0496 13.6571 11.3739C13.7442 11.6215 13.754 11.6951 13.7534 12.0973C13.7527 12.4922 13.7418 12.575 13.6614 12.7978C13.5345 13.1492 13.377 13.3983 13.1128 13.6657C12.638 14.1463 12.0276 14.4124 11.1468 14.5228C10.9937 14.5419 10.5474 14.5743 10.1551 14.5945C9.16633 14.6457 8.51558 14.7514 7.93085 14.9556C7.84678 14.985 7.77172 15.0028 7.7641 14.9952C7.74044 14.9718 8.13855 14.7358 8.46739 14.5782C8.93106 14.3561 9.39262 14.2348 10.4268 14.0636C10.9376 13.9789 11.4652 13.8763 11.5991 13.8354C12.8642 13.4496 13.5145 12.454 13.3064 11.2218Z"
        d="M14.4979 13.3263C14.1525 12.588 14.0732 11.8751 14.2624 11.2103C14.2827 11.1392 14.3152 11.0811 14.3348 11.0811C14.3544 11.0811 14.4359 11.1249 14.5159 11.1784C14.675 11.285 14.9941 11.4644 15.8444 11.9255C16.9054 12.5009 17.5104 12.9464 17.9218 13.4554C18.2821 13.9012 18.505 14.4089 18.6123 15.028C18.6731 15.3787 18.6375 16.2225 18.547 16.5757C18.2617 17.6891 17.5987 18.5637 16.6531 19.0741C16.5145 19.1488 16.3901 19.2102 16.3767 19.2105C16.3632 19.2108 16.4137 19.0831 16.4889 18.9268C16.807 18.2654 16.8432 17.622 16.6027 16.9059C16.4554 16.4674 16.1552 15.9324 15.5489 15.0282C14.8441 13.9768 14.6713 13.6971 14.4979 13.3263Z"
        d="M4.73535 17.3101C5.69986 16.5001 6.89994 15.9246 7.9931 15.748C8.46422 15.6719 9.24904 15.7021 9.68529 15.8132C10.3846 15.9912 11.0101 16.3898 11.3355 16.8648C11.6534 17.329 11.7898 17.7336 11.9318 18.6336C11.9878 18.9887 12.0488 19.3453 12.0672 19.426C12.1739 19.8924 12.3814 20.2653 12.6386 20.4526C13.0471 20.7499 13.7505 20.7684 14.4424 20.5C14.5598 20.4544 14.6618 20.4229 14.669 20.43C14.694 20.4548 14.3456 20.6868 14.0998 20.8089C13.7691 20.9732 13.5061 21.0367 13.1566 21.0367C12.5229 21.0367 11.9967 20.7161 11.5577 20.0623C11.4713 19.9336 11.2771 19.5482 11.1262 19.2059C10.6626 18.1543 10.4337 17.834 9.89554 17.4834C9.42717 17.1784 8.82312 17.1237 8.3687 17.3453C7.77179 17.6364 7.60525 18.3951 8.03277 18.8759C8.20269 19.067 8.51955 19.2318 8.77865 19.2639C9.26337 19.3239 9.67993 18.9571 9.67993 18.4703C9.67993 18.1543 9.5578 17.9739 9.25033 17.8359C8.83039 17.6475 8.379 17.8678 8.38116 18.2601C8.3821 18.4274 8.45535 18.5325 8.62398 18.6084C8.73216 18.6571 8.73467 18.6609 8.64646 18.6427C8.26115 18.5632 8.17088 18.1012 8.48068 17.7945C8.85263 17.4263 9.62176 17.5888 9.88587 18.0914C9.99684 18.3025 10.0097 18.7229 9.91297 18.9768C9.69646 19.545 9.06517 19.8438 8.42476 19.6812C7.98875 19.5705 7.81122 19.4506 7.28553 18.9121C6.37207 17.9762 6.01745 17.7949 4.70055 17.5904L4.44819 17.5512L4.73535 17.3101Z"
        d="M0.44926 0.55979C3.4998 4.24228 5.60086 5.76161 5.83435 6.0826C6.02713 6.34765 5.95457 6.58593 5.62431 6.77268C5.44065 6.87651 5.06307 6.98171 4.87401 6.98171C4.66018 6.98171 4.58677 6.89967 4.58677 6.89967C4.46279 6.78271 4.39296 6.80317 3.75628 5.67912C2.87236 4.31495 2.13263 3.18331 2.11245 3.16437C2.06579 3.12055 2.06659 3.12203 3.66615 5.96862C3.92459 6.56192 3.71756 6.7797 3.71756 6.86421C3.71756 7.03611 3.67041 7.12646 3.4572 7.36299C3.10178 7.75736 2.9429 8.20047 2.82821 9.11753C2.69963 10.1455 2.33809 10.8717 1.33613 12.1146C0.749626 12.8421 0.653656 12.9754 0.505663 13.2687C0.319254 13.6379 0.267998 13.8447 0.247224 14.311C0.225267 14.804 0.268031 15.1225 0.419469 15.5939C0.552047 16.0065 0.690435 16.279 1.04422 16.824C1.34953 17.2944 1.52533 17.6439 1.52533 17.7806C1.52533 17.8894 1.54621 17.8895 2.01931 17.7833C3.15151 17.529 4.07085 17.0817 4.58791 16.5337C4.9079 16.1944 4.98303 16.0071 4.98547 15.5422C4.98707 15.2381 4.97631 15.1745 4.89367 14.9995C4.75914 14.7148 4.51424 14.4781 3.97447 14.1111C3.26721 13.6302 2.96514 13.2431 2.88169 12.7107C2.81325 12.2738 2.89265 11.9656 3.28391 11.15C3.68888 10.3058 3.78924 9.94602 3.85713 9.09507C3.90097 8.5453 3.96169 8.32848 4.12051 8.15445C4.28614 7.97297 4.43525 7.91151 4.84517 7.85581C5.51345 7.765 5.93898 7.59304 6.28876 7.27246C6.5922 6.99435 6.71917 6.72638 6.73866 6.32298L6.75345 6.01722L6.58388 5.82059C5.96981 5.10846 0.0380236 0 0.000233728 0C-0.00783924 0 0.194231 0.251923 0.44926 0.55979ZM1.87003 14.8689C2.00887 14.6243 1.9351 14.3099 1.70287 14.1563C1.48343 14.0112 1.14256 14.0795 1.14256 14.2687C1.14256 14.3264 1.17464 14.3684 1.24695 14.4054C1.36871 14.4677 1.37754 14.5378 1.28175 14.681C1.18473 14.826 1.19256 14.9535 1.30384 15.0402C1.48319 15.1799 1.73707 15.103 1.87003 14.8689Z"
        d="M7.17519 8.0162C6.86146 8.11204 6.55649 8.44275 6.46209 8.78951C6.4045 9.00105 6.43718 9.37214 6.52344 9.48675C6.6628 9.67184 6.79757 9.72061 7.16249 9.71807C7.87695 9.71311 8.49805 9.40834 8.57025 9.02734C8.62944 8.71503 8.35666 8.28221 7.98092 8.0922C7.78703 7.99419 7.37468 7.9553 7.17519 8.0162ZM8.01039 8.66577C8.12056 8.51006 8.07237 8.34178 7.88498 8.22796C7.52814 8.01124 6.9885 8.19058 6.9885 8.52587C6.9885 8.69277 7.26991 8.87487 7.52786 8.87487C7.69955 8.87487 7.9345 8.77304 8.01039 8.66577Z"

In the above code, we have a Header component that renders the navigation bar. It includes a logo, a list of navigation items, and a connect wallet button.

Create the home page

Next, create a new file called home.tsx inside layout folder and add the following code to it:

import { TokenSwap } from "@/components/swap";
import Header from "@/components/layout/header";

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <Header />
      <div className="mt-20 flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-10">
        <h1 className="text-white text-6xl font-medium text-center leading-[1.2]">
          Swap anytime, <br /> anywhere on TAC
        <TokenSwap />
        <p className="text-gray-400 text-center text-md w-1/4">
          This is just an example application to demostrate the Uniswap V2
          contracts on TAC. <span className="text-primary">Learn more</span>

In the above code, we have a Home component that renders the home page. It includes a header, a title, a token swap component, and a description.

We will use this component as the home page of our application.

Create the swap component

This is the most important component of our application. It allows users to swap tokens. And it is very complicated so, we’ve commented it thoroughly to make it easier to understand.

Create a new file called swap.tsx inside components folder and add the following code to it:

"use client";

import * as React from "react";
import { ArrowDown } from "lucide-react";
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
import { CHAIN, useTonWallet } from "@tonconnect/ui-react";
import ConnectWallet from "./connect-wallet";
import { TacSdk } from "tac-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { toNano } from "@ton/ton";
import { Network, RawSender } from "@/lib/sender";

const TVM_TKA_ADDRESS = "EQBLi0v_y-KiLlT1VzQJmmMbaoZnLcMAHrIEmzur13dwOmM1";

const TVM_TKB_ADDRESS = "EQCsQSo54ajAorOfDUAM-RPdDJgs0obqyrNSEtvbjB7hh2oK";

const UNISWAPV2_PROXY_ADDRESS = "0xd47Cf3c26312B645B5e7a910fCE30B46CFf6a8f8";

const WALLET_VERSION = "v4";
const mnemonic = process.env.TVM_MNEMONICS || ""; // 24 words mnemonic

export function TokenSwap() {
  const [sellAmount, setSellAmount] = React.useState<number>(0);

  const wallet = useTonWallet();

  const handleSwap = async () => {
    try {
      const sdkParams: SDKParams = {
        network: Network.Testnet,
        // you can also customize TAC and TON params here
      const tacSdk = await TacSdk.create(sdkParams);

      let amountIn = 0;
      for (const amount of amountsIn) {
        amountIn += amount;

      const EVM_TKA_ADDRESS = await tacSdk.getEVMTokenAddress(TVM_TKA_ADDRESS);
      const EVM_TKB_ADDRESS = await tacSdk.getEVMTokenAddress(TVM_TKB_ADDRESS);

      // create evm proxy msg
      const abi = new ethers.AbiCoder();
      const encodedParameters = abi.encode(
        ["uint256", "uint256", "address[]", "address", "uint256"],

      const evmProxyMsg: EvmProxyMsg = {
        evmTargetAddress: UNISWAPV2_PROXY_ADDRESS,

      // create sender abstraction
      const sender = await SenderFactory.getSender({
        version: WALLET_VERSION,

      // create JettonTransferData (transfer jetton in TVM to swap)
      const assets: AssetBridgingData[] = [];
      for (const amount of amountsIn) {
          address: tokenAddress,
          amount: amount,

      const tx = await tacSdk.sendCrossChainTransaction(


      alert("transation submitted");
    } catch (e) {

  return (
    <div className="w-full max-w-md mx-auto p-3 rounded-3xl bg-[#131313] z-20  ">
      <div className="">
        {/* Sell Section */}
        <div className="space-y-2 border border-border rounded-2xl p-4">
          <div className="text-md text-gray-400">Sell</div>
          <div className="relative">
              onChange={(e) => {
                if (Number( > 0) {
              className=" h-16 text-white bg-transparent border-none focus-visible:ring-0 p-0 placeholder:text-gray-400"
                fontSize: "2rem",
            <div className="absolute right-0 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2">
                className="h-10 gap-2 rounded-full bg-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-800 hover:text-white text-white"
                <div className="w-6 h-6 rounded-full bg-[#627EEA] flex items-center justify-center">
                    viewBox="0 0 12 18"
          <div className="text-sm text-gray-500">${sellAmount.toFixed(2)}</div>

        {/* Arrow Divider */}
        <div className="flex justify-center -mt-8 -mb-4">
          <div className="w-14 h-14 rounded-2xl bg-[#1B1B1B] border-4 border-[#131313] flex items-center justify-center">
            <ArrowDown className="text-gray-400" />

        {/* Buy Section */}
        <div className="space-y-2 bg-[#1B1B1B] rounded-2xl p-4">
          <div className="text-xl text-gray-300">Buy</div>
          <div className="relative">
              className=" h-16 text-white bg-transparent border-none focus-visible:ring-0 p-0 placeholder:text-gray-400"
                fontSize: "2rem",
            <div className="absolute right-0 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2">
                className="h-10 gap-2 rounded-full bg-primary/10 hover:bg-primary/20 hover:text-white text-white  "
                <div className="w-6 h-6 rounded-full bg-primary flex items-center justify-center">
                    viewBox="0 0 12 18"

        {/* Get Started Button */}
        {wallet ? (
            disabled={sellAmount === 0}
            className="w-full h-14 rounded-2xl mt-2 text-lg bg-primary text-white"
        ) : (
          <Button className="w-full h-14 rounded-2xl mt-2 text-lg hover:text-white">
            Get started

In the above code:

  • We have a TokenSwap component that renders the token swap section. It includes a sell section, a buy section, and a get started button.
  • The sell section allows users to enter the amount of tokens they want to sell.
  • The buy section shows the amount of tokens the user will receive.
  • The get started button allows users to connect their wallet and swap tokens.
  • Once the user swap a token:
    • we are creating a JettonTransferData object that contains the token address, the amount of tokens to sell, and the amount of TON to send to the user.
    • then we are creating an EVMProxyMsg object that contains the address of the Uniswap V2 router, the method name, and the encoded parameters.
    • then we are creating a RawSender object that contains the mnemonic of the user’s wallet.
    • finally we are sending the transaction to the TAC network using the TacSdk object.

And that is it! You have now a working Uniswap V2 clone on TAC.

You can try connecting your TON wallet and swap tokens.